Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What ia Liposuction For Men?

The word Lipo means “fat” and the word Suction means “Sucking”. Liposuction is the removal of excess fatty tissue to reshape the body.

Liposuction provides a short cut way to remove excess fat from the body. One session of liposuction can remove as much as 6-7 liters of fat from a person’s body. In some places, liposuction is not only done for cosmetic reasons but as a pre-surgery requirement, such as prior to stomach stapling or gastric banding, etc. However, most of the time it is for cosmetic purposes and as quick way to remove excess fat with the least inconvenience.

In women, the most popular areas for liposuction are the face and neck, abdomen, and thighs. Liposuction for men is becoming equally as popular and frequently concentrates on the back and abdomen. Since liposuction is extremely safe and comparatively inexpensive, it is a widely used form of cosmetic surgery.

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